5th Grade Science Fair
How Much Salt Will Make an Egg Float?
When an egg is placed in a glass of water, it will sink. This is because the egg has a greater amount of mass than the water it is in. When an object is less dense than water, it floats. By adding salt to the water, we are increasing the water’s mass. If we make the water denser than the egg, then the egg will float. In this experiment, we will test to see how much salt will allow an egg to float in 1 cup of water
You can further do additional background research on density, the main concept behind this experiment.
Creating your hypothesis
How many tablespoons of salt into 1 cup of water do you think will be enough to cause the egg to float?
1. Measuring cup
2. Large glass
3. Water
4. Egg
5. Salt
6. Tablespoon
1. measure 1 cup of water
2. pour water in a large enough glass
3. add one tablespoon of salt
4. put the egg in the water. Record results
5. take out egg
6. add the second table spoon of salt
7. put the egg in the water. Record Results
8. keep repeating step 3-5 until the egg floats
How many tablespoons of salt did it take for the egg to float? Was your hypothesis proven correct or incorrect by your findings?